How to speak when you don't have a voice
Excellent 5 minute animated video from the BBC Ideas web site, describing the main features of electronic communication aids.�
AAC web links
CALL Scotland
our own CALL Scotland website with links to a number of 'sister' mini-sites, such as 'The Scottish Voice' and 'Personal Communication Passports'.
IPAACKS: Informing and Profiling Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Knowledge and Skills
IPAACKS is a profiling tool and framework for workers in health, education, social care, and third sectors, to identify knowledge, skills, values and commitments required to support children, young people and adults who use AAC. It can be used to affirm workers existing competences, identify gaps and inform learning and development needs of individual workers or workforce groups. Commissioned by NHS Education for Scotland as part of the 'A Right to Speak' initiative and compiled by Janet Scott of SCTCI, Glasgow (February 2014).
Talk Sense
A treasure-trove of AAC wisdom, ideas and resources from UK AAC specialist Tony Jones.
Now Hear Me
Provides signposting information for the public, people who use AAC. Developed as part of the NHS Education for Scotland project to deliver on the recommendations made in a "A Right to Speak".
Communication Matters (CM)
UK-wide organisation committed to supporting people of all ages who find communication difficult because they have little or no clear speech. Includes an online AAC discussion forum.
Communication Matters: AAC Evidence Base
Searchable database of AAC research publications, plain language summaries, case studies, FAQs, Factsheets, glossary of terms and links.
PrAACtical AAC
A daily blog from Carol Zangari, Professor of SLT and AAC specialist in the USA. Carol also posts invited contributions from AAC experts from around the world.
Jane Farrall's Blog
Australian AAC superstar Jane Farrall posts interesting and valuable AAC News, resources, thoughts, & ideas. Also find the world-beating list of AAC Apps, and switch Apps.
Ian Bean
Former teacher and ICT coordinator at Priory Woods School and now Independent Special Needs ICT consultant and trainer specialising in the use of ICT and assistive technology.
Teaching Learners with Multiple Needs
A fabulous resources and ideas for teachers of learners with severe, profound, intensive, significant, complex or multiple special needs, incorporating blogs and 'permaposts' of past blogs.
AAC Intervention
US AAC guru Caroline Musselwhite's web site - though not regularly updated.
AAC girls
AAC Girls is a 'sister' blog to the AAC Intervention site from guru Caroline Musselwhite and AAC friends. Emphasis on literacy issues for people who use AAC.