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Communication boards

Here are a few practical resources that might be useful. They are low-tech 'communication boards' that a person who does not speak clearly can point to, to help them to communicate and get their message across to a listener.

Download and view these resources and if you like them, save, print out (in colour), then laminate for use. One or two allow for personalising - write in to the blank square with a non-permanent marker (which can then be wiped off, for a new message another time).



The software used to produce these resources is MatrixMaker Plus from Inclusive Technology Ltd.

Permission has kindly been granted for use of the copyright graphics and symbols, as used in the resources:

Matrix Maker Plus is commended as a robust, good value and easy-to-use application. Widgit and Symbol Stix symbols are amongst the most popular symbol systems used in the UK. But other symbol software and symbol libraries are, of course, available.


These resources were created by Sally Millar, CALL Scotland, for the ‘Right to Speak’ project. Copyright is held jointly by CALL Scotland and NHS Education for Scotland (NES). The resources are free for download and use, and may be freely reproduced for training purposes and/or for use by communication-impaired people, with appropriate acknowledgement of the author and copyright owners.

Keep Talking - Communication Games

The activities aim to help a student to learn and practise - in other words, use! - his or her communication aid to enjoy interactions with others and build up useful social and communicative experiences.

To benefit, you first need to ensure that the Talker is always out of its bag, charged up, and on the table/wheelchair mount ready for daily use. That done, even a 5 minute 'gap' can be turned into a useful communication game.

The activities are taken from CALL's 'Keep Talking' book, which was inspired by the teacher who, on one of CALL Scotland's visits, said with some desperation 'I know I'm not doing enough. Somehow, my brain goes all fuzzy - I just can't think of any communication games...'.

Five Minute Standbys


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